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Selflove-masturbation with yoni egg and close up of my vagina!

  • 21:39 minutes
  • FullHD

I ordered Yoni eggs - Yoni is the Tantra word for vagina - and haven't tried them yet! But today is the day! I set up 2 cameras - one very close to my yoni and the other further away so you can see my whole body! I start massaging my body a little, focusing on my breathing and letting out sighs. Then I take the Yoni egg and massage my vagina a bit before I push it in. It stays there throughout my entire act of self-love :) I integrate pelvic rocking, sexual breathing and tense my pelvic floor muscles every now and then. I edge myself twice until I reach orgasm before I let go of the tension. You see how my vagina leaks and how it twitches!!

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